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Invest for impact

Home For Good Coalition is an LLC entity. When you contact us, let us know if you intend to make a donation for our operations or if you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation through our Fiscal Sponsor.

How Donations Are Used

We chose to be an LLC with a co-operative governance structure because we wanted a fiscal structure that was limber and reflected our shared community values. We promise you to use your donation responsibly. 

Here is what our funds support, in order of importance.

  • Prospect Researcher who supports us to find funding and proposal writing for our launch
  • Coalition website
  • Administrative support to ensure that our volunteer drive is successful
  • Legal counsel for the formation of the coalition
  • Legal counsel for the formation of the coalitionChildcare at our strategy events
  • Stipends for parents who attend our strategy events


Why a trans-local Coalition?

Every community is different. Some communities are cities, some are rural towns, some are trauma-informed, some don’t know what that is. We support community-organizing for systems-transformation starting wherever you are, at whatever stage you are. Micro changes at the local level can ripple-effect into national impact. Our national team facilitates connecting the dots among local teams.

Why a Co-op?

We wanted an organizational structure that represents equity at the core. We know it takes a long-term commitment to make lasting transformation. Our shared governance allows us to be in integrity with our own values of equity, community, and transformation.

Why wait six years to build a coalition?

We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel. There are lots of systems-change initiatives that simply tweak bits and pieces here and there. We grounded our learning in 20 years of first-hand research with families with children in foster care. Before becoming a coalition, we spent six years think-tanking a radical system-wide transformation strategy.

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