Our Vision

Bringing forth National Transformation through Local Ripple-Effects

Our Vision:

A Community That Prevents Trauma

ONE national coalition of 

1 MILLION individuals, across

50 states, &

10 cities, with

20 THOUSAND individuals per state, &

5 THOUSAND individuals per city

A new recipe: culture of Trauma Transformation that powerfully combines national and local strategies and wisdom to prevent trauma nationwide.

 What We’re creating

Our Vision:

Regenerating ourselves, our families, and our communities to create a world that reflects the love we have for our children.

Our Mission:

As the Home for Good Coalition, we create an affirming and safe environment that values, uplifts, and is guided by the voices of people who have been traumatized by the very systems that claim to help them. We bring people together across systems, roles, and experiences to co-create a truly equitable radical transformation city-wide.


Implemented Nationally, Driven Locally

Our theory of change consists of implementing a new system of trauma transformation on the national level, while driving, maintaining, and sustaining it locally. 

We leverage the personal experiences of parents, youth, and professionals, to create a community that learns to advocate for itself. The individual transformation expands to collective advocacy and system transformation.  Personal stories become a collective story that generates healing, prevention, and protection. Each community will generate a local strategy that is grounded in that wisdom.   

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